Maritime Payload Delivery Systems

As a leader in the design, development and manufacturing of sonobuoys and maritime systems for the U.S. Navy, Sparton is paving the way to be a leader in parallel technologies that align with current and future Navy roadmap technologies. Our partnership with the U.S. government is even more critical today as non-allied nations continue to increase their capabilities to operate in the maritime environment under, on and above the surface of the world’s oceans.  At least 41 nations operate over 450 submarines with many more surface vessels and unmanned platforms in deep-water and littoral environments.  Sparton stands ready to deliver new capabilities which support current and future USW and ASW missions and tactics.

Leveraging the maritime buoy technology that we have been developing for over 60 years, Sparton maintains the expertise required to design and develop:

  • Sensor and communication buoys
  • Payload delivery systems for UxVs, submarines, surface ships, and aircrafts
  • Tethered and non-tethered buoys
  • Buoys designed for persistence on the ocean surface or at full ocean depths
  • Advanced acoustic systems


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Leveraging Technology

Leveraging the sonobuoy technology that we have been developing for over 60 years, Sparton maintains the expertise required to design and develop in connection with critical Maritime Defense strategies.

Undersea Detection Systems Undersea Detection Systems
Payloads Payloads
Cross-Domain Communication Cross-Domain Communication
  • Ocean Isolation Systems
  • Package Design for Extreme Environments
  • Compact and Complex Packaging
  • Sensors (Acoustic, Magnetic, E-Field, Arrays)
  • Aerodynamics
  • Hydrodynamics
  • Batteries (Salt Water/Lithium)
  • RF Communications
  • Autonomous/Remote Deployment